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Altland Simons Condensed Matter


What are some good condensed matter physics books that can fill the gap between Ashcroft & Mermin and research papers? Suggestions for any specialized topics (such as superconductivity, CFT, topological insulators) are welcomed.

"Introduction to Many-Body Physics", P. Coleman. An amazing treatise on introductory and not so introductory many-body physics applied to condensed matter theory. In addition it provides historical facts and uses plenty of figures to illustrate concepts and experimental results. More updated than others.

Altland Simons Condensed Matter

Many-body theory courses can often be the first time students are introduced to quantum field theory. As a graduate student in high-energy physics with background in condensed matter/solid state physics, I can say that high-energy versions of QFT courses do not usually focus on applications of QFT outside scattering cross-section calculations, and it is important (even for high-energy theorists in my opinion) to know what to do with QFT as a general tool. There aren't very many books on QFT which do not convert you completely into the high-energy or the cond-mat camp. That's why books like this one are useful in shaping your holistic understanding of QFT.

As for books on QFT in condensed matter physics, besides Altland, Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics by Fradkin is also excellent. It covers a lot of cutting-edge topics, including entanglement entropy/spectrum.

This course will provide a thorough grounding in fundamental aspects of modern theoretical statistical and condensed matter physics. The lectures will cover all necessary formalism, but also emphasize the applicability and usefulness of the methods in the context of contemporary experimental and theoretical research issues.

Contents Starting from basic notions of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, the students will be progressively introduced to the formalisms of operatorial quantization, path integrals and functional field integration. The wide applicability of these methods in condensed matter and statistical physics will be emphasized by addressing topics such as (among others) low-dimensional interacting fermionic and spin systems, spin-charge separation and the Luttinger liquid, the Kondo effect, broken symmetry and Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluidity and superconductivity.

Scope of Course. This course continues from Many Body 620, and will introduce many body physics needed to understand current research activities in quantum condensed matter, including finite temperature methods, response functions, path integrals, conventional and unconventional superconductivity, strongly correlated electron systems. I will also review essential material and offer additiional tuition to cater to those who were unable to take 620 last semester. Please ask Shirley Hinds for a special permission to register. There will be a lot of discussion and interaction. Please register as soon as possible.

A. Altland and Ben Simons. Condensed Matter Field Theory. This is an advanced book, but one of the best to learn about the modern approach to condensed matter theory, with many-body theory done by functional integral techniques, and a clear and readable presentation of many technical issues.

Instead of a final exam, this course will have a term paper assignment. The subject matter can be any topic in physics which is related to Emergent States of Matter in some sense. Since many interesting phenomena are a manifestation of emergence, you have unusual latitude in your choice of topic. It need not be restricted to condensed matter but can cover the many recent and exciting developments in other areas of science, including, but not limited, to: high energy physics, cosmology, even biology. I hope many of you will chose topics in these non-condensed matter areas.

Ordered phases in optical lattices (superfluid, Mott insulators, ...) Quantum hall states of rapidly rotating BECs Magnetic states of condensed matter (ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, spin glass, ...) Disordered states of matter (Griffiths phases, random field Ising models, localization, ...)

There are mainly two ways in which path integrals come into play in our discussion. One is in evaluating the probability amplitude of a quantum mechanical process, i.e. a complex number whose squared modulus yields the probability. Suppose we are studying a field ϕ (generally a function of time t and position ) which, in our examples below, is typically an order parameter for some condensed matter (such as a superconductor or a ferromagnet). If we are interested in the probability amplitude associated with the realization of a certain spatial configuration , we can formally write it down as the path integral (for most of the following we will set )

This course provides a modern introduction to many-body physics. It covers basic theoretical methods and their application to various problems of condensed matter theory, such as the weakly interacting Bose gas, interacting electron gas, Fermi liquid theory, and superconductivity. Toward the end we will also branch out to study generic features in the far-from equilibrium quantum dynamics of strongly correlated quantum matter. Throughout the class relations between experiments and theory will be emphasized. This course will provide students the basic knowledge to follow state-of-the-art research in condensed matter physics and to be able to start their independent research project in that field. 2ff7e9595c

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